
In just over a week, Marilyn Chapman and I will be hanging our abstract paintings at the ArtSea gallery in Sidney. In amongst the painting and ordering of cheese plates have been many conversations fleshing out our individual approaches to our theme, and trying to visualise how we’ll bring this together in a coherent manner. Now we’re excited, and counting down the sleeps.
Marilyn has been excellent at mapping out size and pattern arrangements that will provide a unifying platform for our differing statements. Portals are often imagined as circular, and that’s what you’ll see as you walk into the gallery: a four piece collaboration that imagines the visionary space through which you are stepping as you enter our world.
We are excited to welcome you into this space of perhaps liminal seeing, or flaring feelings - or what you yourself bring into the experience.
Our reception is Sunday, September 15, from 1 to 3. Please come for refreshments and probing conversation.